We believe that there is but One God,All Knowing(Omniscent),Everywhere, At All Places At All Times(Omnipresent),and
All Powerful(Omnipotent).That He Came down to earth manifested in flesh to save all Humanity By making
the Ultimate Sacrifice on the Cross.We also believe that one must live a Holy and Sanctified life pleasing to God,Repent
and Water Baptism Fully Submerge in the water To Wash Away the old man and to become a new creature in Christ
Jesus.Receive the Baptism of the HolyGhost with the Initial Evidence of Speaking in Tongues.We throughly believe
the Holy Bible to be the Infallible Word Of God. As we Expectingly Await the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ...
Acts 2:38-39,Acts 4:12,Acts 8:14-17,Acts 19:1-6,I Thessolanians 5:23,II Corinthians 7:1,I Peter 1:15-17 and II
Timothy 3:16